Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I am far too unreliable to post a Facebook every single day listing off what I am thankful for. #aintnobodygottimeforthat

So instead I thought I would share our fall family photos and throw all of that thankfulness out there at once!

  • I am thankful for my relationship with the Lord. When I tend to wander and lose sight of what's really important in life, His mercy and grace always brings me back.
  • I have a family that genuine loves me (and puts up with me). And I actually like being around's a pretty perfect situation.
  • I'm thankful for electric blankets that fit on my side of the bed. Seriously, what is up with the weather we have been having?
  • I have friends that keep it real. Honesty is a huge thing for me, and I love friends that speak the truth, no matter if it's not what I want to hear. I can be myself around them and it's great. (I'm looking at you Izamarie) ;)
  • I am honestly thankful for Netflix. When those editing marathons are in full swing, it's nice to have The X-Files running on its own marathon right there to keep me going.
  • I have two jobs, when so many people out there are dying for just one. I never want to take that for granted.
  • My business is steadily growing, which is wonderful and scary. I feel truly blessed.
  • Last but certainly not least, I have a husband that has always supported me in this adventure of turning my hobby of photography into a fabulous career. He has stepped up and gone above and beyond to make sure that I can pursue my dream. (He is now known around our home as the Dishwashing King - and he certainly is!) This year has been a little crazy, but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. I could go on and on about why I love you (your caring heart, your ability to make me laugh when I get stressed, our mutual love for nerdy tv shows, etc) But I am just going to say - I LOVE YOU :)
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! 

(A huge thanks to my amazing cousin, Amber Cordova, for taking these quick Fall photos of us! xoxo)

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